Values, Beliefs, and Behaviors

Humility: “Hold your expertise lightly.”

Make space for others’ ideas and perspectives, especially when they are radically different from yours! Actively search for the value in divergent perspectives, and be prepared to assume a new position. Change your own mind more than you try to change others.

Curiosity: “Seek first to understand.” 

Be a student always. Lead with inquiry and seek to problem-solve from a place of genuine curiosity. Ask questions and dig deep to move beyond preliminary answers; don’t accept generalizations, but seek specifics. Keep digging until you get surprising, meaningful, intriguing, and/or specific insight. If someone says something you disagree with, ask them why they think that – don’t tell them it’s wrong. Every day is an opportunity to learn, grow, evolve, and serve. Invite curiosity to be your guide. 

Constructive Feedback, Not Criticism: “Feedback makes us better!”

We are better together. With our clients, partners, and teammates, we will both seek and share constructive feedback with the intent of continuous improvement and collective learning. We use words such as “I wonder..., What if…?, I like..., or This is working for me, but I’m not sure about this....” It takes courage, compassion, and practice to elicit feedback and offer it effectively to others. Always pair constructive feedback with a suggested solution or next iteration. Don’t simply point out a wrong. Recognize what is good before anything else, and channel your inner Oprah! 

Celebrate the Good!: “Name and exclaim the positive.”

Individual achievements are team wins. When someone does something well, call them out! Recognize their hard work, their unique talent, or their important contribution. Show gratitude early and often. Always take a moment to express appreciation. 

Find Joy On The Journey: “Invite the whole human to the party.”

Our work is inspiring, motivating, and hard. We work with the brightest, most accomplished, and hardest-working leaders and teams. While we will always be professional, we are also all human. We need joy on the journey. Don’t be afraid to be playful, to create moments of delight and wonder, and to bring your full self to our work. It will inspire others to do the same.

Demonstrate a Growth Mindset: “I can’t solve it all; we’ll iterate together.”

We are “T” shaped people with great generalist skill sets that enable rapid problem-solving across diverse fields. Many of us also possess unique and specialized knowledge and skills. This combination of range and depth allows us to adapt quickly and engage seemingly intractable problems. Always look for opportunities to learn from your teammates. Give an idea–any idea–room to breathe. Draw out the knowledge of others and incorporate their expertise into your thinking.

Be Brave As You Seek Transformation: “Set world-class standards and seek every day to deliver radical value.”

We strive to deliver radical value every day – for our colleagues, clients, and communities as we tackle seemingly impossible tasks. Helping our clients succeed will change our world in tangible ways. Inspiring our colleagues at Frontier to be their best selves and to do our best work will continuously uplevel Frontier and our ability to realize impact on a global scale.

Empowerment & Autonomy: “Be your best self.”

We equip our people with the skills and support to be their best selves. We trust you and support you to do your best work. We are dedicated to creating and sustaining a psychologically safe environment in which our colleagues can thrive. Cultivating a positive, supportive, and trust-based employee experience is fundamental to who we are.

Engage with Empathy: “Assume generous intent and apply grace.”

Everyone is dealing with something hard that we don’t know about, and we all have off days. Give grace and assume others are coming from a kind, generous, and values-oriented place. If/when the situation requires a clarifying conversation, approach from a place of respect, kindness, and humility. We acknowledge the lived experience, and we welcome the whole person. We keep the human at the center of everything we do.

Bias for Action: “Be intentional; move out and make something.”

We all get stuck sometimes, trapped in analysis paralysis, discouraged by a blank screen or a repetitive conversation. It’s easy to stay stuck if you don’t act. At Frontier, we do things with purpose, intent, and a bias for action. When you think there’s no way forward, just show up and make something! Your first attempt, your opening move – these aren’t where you will ultimately land – but they are critical first steps to building momentum and making progress. Deliberate action in the day-to-day opens up a more optimistic and promising future. Act by design; don’t let it happen by default.